I started with the bear print, and used it as a foundation for my color scheme. I was originally going to go for a yellow and green theme, but I found all these really fun bubble prints in bright colors. They went so nicely together, I just found that nothing else was as good.
I love how the blue and the pink are not the typical baby blue and pink. It seems like these bolder colors make it much more neutral. I have noticed a trend in baby items the last few years. It seems like brown is becoming a more popular color for the nursery. A couple years ago, I never would have added in so many dark colors, but it seems like it's all the rage now.
I used the bear fabric as the backing as well. I never got a really good picture of the colors. In all these pictures, this fabric looks really light. In real life, all the colors in the print match the colors in the dotted fabric.
By the way, this pattern may look familiar. It's amazing how different a quilt can look by just changing a few colors and rotating a few blocks. Check it out.
(Sailor's Dream 38"x50" 2010)