Thursday, August 12, 2010

To Etsy or not to Etsy...

I started this quilt in April of 1999. I found it in a magazine, and fell in love with it. At that time, I had been quilting for only a few months and had finished maybe 2 quilts. I picked some of the most expensive fabrics I have ever used in a quilt, held my breath and started sewing. Then I got busy with college, then work, then my master's degree and work again, so after 11 years, I finally said I will finish this quilt and sell it on Etsy.

Unfortunately, as I worked I found my apprehension growing. I cut out all the pieces back then and did the lion's share of the sewing. Sadly, there was very little I could do to get the blocks to go where they should. My lack of skill 11 years ago permeates this whole quilt.

I should clarify... it is by not means awful. The color choice is very pretty, and it's truly lovely to look at if you don't look too closely. Even on close inspection, most of the points line up or are close. The edges of the quilt are ruffled a bit, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. This could be solved if the quilt was hung with pins stretching it to the right shape.

So here is the question. Do I try to sell it on Etsy? I am not happy with the quality, and I do not want other people to think that this is all I am capable of doing. But honesty, I could use the money. Any thoughts? Please post or e-mail me.

1 comment:

  1. I came to the conclusion not to Etsy. I gave it to my aunt for her birthday instead.
