Monday, December 17, 2012

Retirement T-Shirt Quilt

This is the quilt that actually caused me to make the other T-shirt quilt. I owe both the commissions to my aunt, who suggested the idea to her office.

School Psychologists play a special role in public education. They work with the parents, students and teachers to help students grades pre-k to 12 with special needs. They go from school to school, testing students and helping create individual educational plans designed to tailor-fit each of the children they help. For this retirement, each school sent one t-shirt for the quilt as a reminder of all the schools and students he helped.

With so many t-shirts and so many colors, this quilt was much harder to arrange than the other t-shirt quilt. They requested education-themed fabric. Apparently, April is not the season for education-themed fabric. I really wanted the black and white chalk-board fabric I had seen a while ago, but I couldn't find it anywhere.  Even the internet failed me on this one. Instead, I went for a black fabric with rainbow letters and numbers.  It was a bit busier than I like, but it was truly my best option.

I hadn't originally planned on adding  a white border, but when I laid everything out, the quilt needed some separation between the letters and the cute school fabric. With all the colors shouting for attention, white was really the only solution. It adds a nice picture frame look to cap off the t-shirts.

I fussy-cut the final border and lined up the fabric with its repeat so I wouldn't cut any of the little motifs in half. I also planned the border so that the design was always right-side-up just in case this quilt ended up on a wall rather than a bed. I finished it off with white ties and a narrow band of the black backing fabric around the edge. Again, I was asked to make whatever size worked. It ended up fitting nicely on a king sized bed, though it did not have the extra pillow-tuck room.

I was pressed for time, and the quilt arrived in the mail on the day of his retirement party. I was told there was lots of oohing and aahing over the quilt, and Ralf was very touched at the thoughtfulness of his gift.

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