Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Gwee Fleece Blanket, Part 1

So, I'll admit that I really don't know what a Gwee is beyond a super cute baby dragon. When I was talking about needing to make something gender neutral for an upcoming baby shower for an Amtgard friend, my cousin suggested a dragon blanket with arms, legs and wings that were free to move. She also suggested that I use a Gwee for the pattern, and after showing a picture to me, I was sold.

I still have a bunch of details to stitch on, and I need to quilt him into place, but I am super happy with houw he is looking so far. I am debating whether or not to add just a bit of stuffing to the parts that are sewn down, but I haven't decided. Likely I will test to see how it looks and then decide.

Anyway, cute little break while I wait for the other special orders to return my messages.


  1. That blanket looks incredibly adorable!
    The Gwee actually came from a website called Gaia Online (It started out as a chat website with dressable avatars in the early 2000's and has evolved since then.)
