Friday, October 1, 2010

Vintage Fun

I went around to some consignment shops last week in hopes of finding a local place to carry my sewing. When I was in one of the shops, the suggested going to a vintage store called Swish. When I went in, the lady of the store was very excited, and asked me if I could sew "funky" things from vintage fabrics. I said I could try, and she gave me a couple yards of fabric, a table cloth and a set of curtains.

I started with this little skirt. The fabric is a heavy woven cotton. All the red is flocked, which is also fun. One of the big things the gal stressed is to make things in "real people sizes,"
so this skirt is a size 14.

I made a purse out of this same fabric. The curtains and table cloth made a really cute skirt. I was a forgetful person, so I forgot to photograph them. I'll have to see if I can get a picture at the shop after lunch.