Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dice Bags

Well, it's time to admit to my inner gamer girl. I enjoy playing Pathfinder with my brother and friends (it's sort of like Dungeons and Dragons). I started by making a dice bag for my brother, and as long as I was at it, I made one for myself.

Then my brother went out and bought a pound of dice... a very cheap way of getting lots of dice, but they took up a lot of room.  To make matters worse, a couple months later he bought another pound. Clearly, the first bag would never hold all the dice. So, I altered a purse pattern for his big dice bag. He is fond of oriental designs, so I used three calicoes with a Japanese look. I used colored twill tape for the drawstrings and handle.

My brother's original bag was made of black crushed panne. This is a very stretchy fabric that looks like crushed velvet. The inside is lined with a burgundy brocade.  The outside has two ribbons as decoration.

I made my dice bag from a microsuede  fabric left over from a renaissance dress I sewed a while ago. I trimmed it with a piece of decorative ribbon from the same dress and a pearl lace left over from another project.

I really love the brocade ribbon, so it was nice to have it on something I use weekly.

Thanks for reading my A-Z Challenge post. I will try and visit everyone's blog who posts a comment!


  1. I love blog hops or in this case 'challenge' because I learn about so many new things. I love the designs of your Dice Bags and I also am intrigued by the collection of Dice or is that Die. Not sure? I adore your brocade ribbon too.

  2. Oooh I love these bags, didnt know they were called dice bags, so awesome! Brocade is perfect for the bag.

  3. The bags are cool! Nice work. My fave is the black one with burgundy lining.

  4. Love your bags. They remind me a little of the bags my brothers used for their marbles waaaaay back in the day. Of course, yours are much prettier. You've inspired me to make some little bags for the board game playing pieces for my grands, things are always falling out of those boxes. I love the blogs I'm finding through the A to Z challenge.

  5. What a great idea, pretty bags to store little things, dice and marbles, also toy soldiers and odd pieces of legos. But they also would look pretty to carry around as color coordinated purses. Thank you for visiting and commenting on our A-Z entries. It has been fun meeting new bloggers. All the best to you too, Sew Honeybee.
