Friday, April 12, 2013


Knitting is something I do on occasion. I don't have any pictures of the items I've knit, so here is a picture that is similar to a dishcloth pattern I use.

I would not call myself an expert knitter. I can read a pattern and mostly succeed with small projects, but that's about it. My problem isn't really my lack of skill, but rather my lack of practice. It's just that most patterns one can knit are also available to people who crochet. Anyone "in the know" can clearly spot a pattern that has been knit versus one that was crocheted, but for the most part, the average person can't tell. So, the reason I'm bad at knitting is that I really enjoy crocheting. I feel like I can go faster (always a plus for me), and I stress out less about crocheting. Why is knitting stressful? At any given time, the knitter has to keep track of 60-300+ loops. If even one loop is lost, the project may unravel and look bad. Recovering a lost loop is possible, but not easy. On the other hand, crocheting only has one main loop and normally around 6 or so if the crocheter happens to be in the middle of a stitch. More loops are sometimes needed for really crazy projects, but typically a crocheter uses only about 4 at a time. If a loop is dropped, the crocheter can pull out the stitch until there is only one loop and start again. It is basically impossible for a huge mishap to occur while crocheting (unless a dog or cat is involved, and they chew through an already crocheted part).

This is my first crocheted afghan. I  don't often take pictures of finished crochet projects because I often view them as utilitarian rather than artistic.


  1. I can knit VERY little, but I crochet all the way to town.

  2. I do the crochet thing, sorry I am not a knitter. I have watched, and seen some of the most beautiful knitting projects and I always wish I could knit however! Crochet is faster, and I am very picky about my patterns...I take my time and the results are always worth it! Great post!! and a crochet blog too I have in tabs...some dishcloths I made! Hats too!

  3. Just dropping in to "visit".... great site. Am a new follower!!

    Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice
